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List of Official Social Media Accounts




Social Media Communication Policy

Sendai Terminal Building. Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") has established the following policy regarding the attitude and conduct to be observed in the operation of official social media accounts.

The Purpose of this Policy

This policy defines the attitude and conducts that our directors, employees, and all other parties involved in our business should observe to establish good communication with the public via social media.

Attitude and Conduct to be Observed by the Company

1. "Awareness and Responsibility" in the Dissemination of Information via Social Media
  1. When publishing information on the internet, the Company will always recognize that it can be easily and instantly accessed by a large number of unspecified users.
  2. The Company fully recognizes that each and every piece of information it publishes are subject to recognition, discussion, and criticism, and has a considerable impact.
  3. In publishing information, the Company will strictly comply with laws, regulations, and the Company's internal rules (East Japan Railway Company's Compliance Initiatives)."
2. Scope of Joint Users
  1. The Company will remember to listen attentively and respectfully to the comments of everyone who uses the Company's services.
  2. The Company will take responsibility for information dissemination and response, and take care not to cause misunderstanding or offense.
  3. The Company will strive to provide truthful and accurate information.
  4. The Company will refrain from disseminating content that contains private and personal information.
  5. The Company acknowledges that once information is made public, it cannot be completely deleted and will remain permanently.
  6. We will fulfill our responsibilities in our daily operations.
3. Those Responsible for the Management of Personal Data
  1. The Company will comply with all laws and regulations. In particular, the Company will not infringe on copyrights, trademarks, portrait rights, defamation of honor by slander, or other violations of rights.
  2. When quoting any content, article, etc., the source and the quoted portion will be clearly indicated.
  3. The Company will monitor compliance with this policy and strive to determine the status as necessary.

The Company would like to make the following announcements and requests to all users of the Company's social media.

Notice and Requests to All Users

  • Due to the nature of social media, the information transmitted does not necessarily represent the official views of the Company. Please refer to our website and press releases for our official announcements and opinions.
  • The method of interaction (i.e., reply method, response time, etc.) varies depending on the account. Please refer to the official account list.
  • Please note that any information is current at the time of transmission and is subject to change.
  • Please refer to the respective terms of use when using the Company's social media and associated services.
  • Please use our website (including S-PAL Sendai, S-PAL Fukushima, S-PAL Koriyama, S-PAL Yamagata, Hotel Metropolitan Sendai, Hotel Metropolitan Sendai East, Hotel Metropolitan Yamagata, JR East Japan Hotel Mets Fukushima) with the prior understanding of the contents described under "Copyrights and Trademarks".(References to the "Website" in the same link shall include the Company's social media and related services.)